What are Dental Bridges?
Dental bridges are used to eliminate gaps in your smile as well as provide strength and support to your teeth so that you can eat, brush, and talk as you normally would. It’s composed of an artificial tooth (pontic) that’s held in place by dental crowns or a framework (abutments) that are placed onto the teeth next to it.
As a means of both cosmetic and restorative dentistry, receiving dental bridges near you is a good option to consider if you’re looking to repair your smile in more ways than one.
Types of Dental Bridges Offered at Our in Orléans Dental Clinc
At our dental clinic, we offer four types of dental bridges near you, which consist of the following:
1. Traditional Dental Bridges.
Traditional dental bridges can replace any tooth in your mouth. These devices consist of an artificial tooth (pontic), and dental crowns (also referred to as abutments) which are placed on the neighboring teeth. In order to ensure that the dental bridge remains in place and properly bonds to your tooth, your dentist will have to scrape down your enamel.
2. Maryland Dental Bridges.
Receiving a Maryland dental bridge near you is a procedure that encompasses receiving an artificial tooth as well as a frame, which can be fashioned out of metal or porcelain. The frame attaches to your neighboring tooth. Maryland dental bridges are very durable, but they are quite costly.
Another type of dental bridge that we offer in Orléans is the cantilever dental bridge. This particular device only has one supporting abutment as opposed to two like the traditional dental bridge.
4. Implant-Supported Dental Bridges.
Implant-supported dental bridges incorporate dental implants to secure the device inside your mouth. This type of dental bridge is a great choice if you’re wanting to repair multiple gaps in between your teeth. They’re also the most affordable option of the four.
Are you looking to improve not just the appearance but also the functionality of your smile? Give us a call or come in and visit our Orléans dental clinic today! Our knowledgeable staff will be able to answer all your questions about receiving dental bridges in Orléans. You’ll be in the best of hands the entire time.